Join Our Lab

We are committed to creating a supportive lab environment, and we welcome the opportunity to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in science. All are encouraged to apply to be undergraduate researchers, doctoral students, postdocs, and research staff.

Graduate Students and Postdocs:

I am currently accepting applications for Masters students, PhD students, and postdocs. I admit doctoral students through the Developmental Science program. If you are interested in working with me, please email with PDFs of your CV, transcript, and a brief description of the research you hope to conduct in our lab.

Undergraduate Researchers:

Undergraduates in the lab acquire a strong theoretical understanding of infant development and receive in-depth training in all areas of developmental research including participant recruitment, data collection, data analysis, literature reviews, and presentations. We encourage students to conduct honors theses and immersion projects. Students will also have the opportunity to co-author publications and present at professional research conferences.

Please email with any questions.

Research Staff:

If you are interested in working with me as research staff, please email with PDFs of your CV and transcript. Applications for research staff are accepted on a rolling basis depending on the needs of the lab.